How to Shift Focus from Pain to Opportunity

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One preacher I respect so much made this statement, “For as long as you look at what causes you pain, it keeps growing. A wounded spirit is like a hemorrhage; as long as you keep bleeding, you’ll die”. The above statement explains why humans often find it difficult to forgive. 

A senior friend once told me how his boss taught him how to make people feel uncomfortable during appraisal or interview. A trick that this boss often uses to make anyone on the hot seat feel uncomfortable. Focusing on just one thing you dislike about the person: it could be their outfit or the way they talk.. just anything. 

It takes deliberate effort to switch our emotions, it is about choice and preference. Which would you rather choose? Yes, you may not be able to control all things, but you can decide which direction you want to channel your energy. Take your eyes away from the pain and discomfort. Appreciate what you have and the things that are working for you. 

Develop the capacity to fix your eyes on opportunities, not on challenges. Stop magnifying the challenges you are facing. There are people who have faced more difficult challenges yet, they have excelled. If seeds focus on the challenges that come with germination, they will not grow. We need to develop flexibility to see the opportunities that life presents to us because opportunities don’t often dress in attire that we are familiar with.  

As you navigate this week, do all you can to stay positive. Refuse to focus on the negatives. Avoid dwelling on things that make you generate negative and unhealthy energy. Learn to focus on the positives in people!

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